A book, another book, an appliance out of doors

Monologues for Calculating the Density of Black Holes, the follow up to Monologues for the Coming Plague is now out. This is the cover (sort of):

Monologues for Calculating the Density of Black Holes is the second in what will eventually be a trilogy. The third one will be out...sometime before the next millenium. Here is an excerpt from the present work (click on the image to get a better look):

(Thanks Kyle) Here is the back cover, which carries a perfunctory, incomplete list of the volume's contents:

There is one other excerpt on the Publisher's Weekly site, though if you're a regular reader of this internet world wide web log of mine, you'll have already seen it.

Another book with my name on it also came out last month, but only in Denmark (from Abenmaler) . It's a collection of shorter pieces, some random drawings etc. Below is the cover, partly folded out.

If you were to continue unfolding it, in addition to the material above, you would be presented with a Danish translation of The Game, a three page painted strip I did for Kramer's Ergot #7.

By way of ending for today, here is a picture of a washing machine: